Sunday, August 7, 2016

With sunny Turkish skies, all our pilots were able to take off early in the morning and we flew to the University Engiz airport in the northern part of Turkey, where we received also a warm welcome. Avgas was provided to all planes over there

Whilst preparing this rally, we learned that finding AVGAS once you pass Istanbul is not obvious. We had to organize in advance to get AVGAS at all the airfields we visited

Flying from there over the Black Sea shores, our pilots approached hot and humid Batumi, Georgia by the end of the afternoon.

Our pilots have been paying in advance for AVGAS to Vanilla Sky in Georgia, which was brought in barrels on the back of a car and served with a hand pump at the Batumi airport. The good teamwork with the Georgian Vanilla Sky management made it possible that we were delivered with quality AVGAS (imported from Holland) all along our route in Georgia.

landing in rainy Batumi with CB's around

approaching Batumi via the sea

refueling adventures with a hand pump

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